Thursday, February 5, 2009

List of Fabulous things, part 1

From time to time, you will have to indulge my ringing endorsements of my favorite things. No, I am not paid to endorse them, (though I wouldn't mind a check or two...hint hint), but I like to talk about the things I like...I think its an exercise in validation-seeking. The following things are fabulous, in no particular order:

1. Snow days-just had one and I think they are nature's way of acknowledging everyone needs a mental health day from time to time.

2. Sabra Hummus-don't know what I ate before Gillie introduced me to this particular brand, but I am pretty sure I have at least one tub in my fridge at all times.

3. Siracha Sauce- affectionately called the "rooster sauce" by my mother, it turns everyday mac-and-cheese into a super spicy, clean your sinuses out comfort food extraordinaire.

4. Big Love- I am addicted and am intrigued, frightened, exasperated and impressed all at the same time by Bill Henricksen's ability to have THREE wives and their ability to not kill him or one another. (I know its fiction people, but still...three wives???)

5. Aveda Shampure-something about rosemary and mint in the morning puts a pep in my step and just makes me feel better.



    Guess I'm not the only one that loves Big Love.

  2. I love Sabra hummus too! It's seriously the best hummus out there. I stock up on tubs like crazy! :p
