Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back at it again

After a protracted hiatus, I have decided to re-enter the blogosphere and again torture the 6 or 7 of you that I have thus far successfully brow-beaten to read my blog with my non-sequiters, ramblings and general bitchiness. Why, you may ask?

Well, for starters, I am yet again embroiled in a bitter, hostile, no-good-very-bad tear-filled break up with "the law," also known as the WORST boyfriend of all time. (there will be much much much more on this in 2011, I am sure). And, I am SICK AND TIRED OF WINTER and my usual coping mechanism of watching countless hours of bad t.v. (Real Housewives of ___, Teen Mom, Jersey Shore, etc.) is no longer making me feel better about my life choices. My other coping mechanism of drinking large quantities of red wine while cooking/doing laundry/just about anything that does not involve the use of heavy machinery so long as you don't count a stove or a washing machine as heavy machinery, as well as shopping for frivolous clothing online while drinking red wine have been snatched from me as I am currently 5 monthes pregnant. That's right, I have decided to procreate and if early indications are to be believed, this baby is as spunky, opinionated and stubborn as me---so get excited!! Therefore, I need a cathartic release of all the angst, sarcasm, unsolicited advice and opinions and bitching I have accumulated over the past five months and I figured getting back to blogging would be a good start. I feel better already. . . .

Most importantly though, today is my birthday. I am now officially fully ensconced in my thirties and I think I am okay with it. (I only think I am okay with it because it seems like everyone else I know is not okay with it---maybe it makes them feel older or something, more on that another day.) Regardless, I think your own life year starts with your birthday, so this is my new year's day and my resolution is to get back to "doing me" and trying to prepare for this baby by being the best me I can be. Which of course requires me to share my random thoughts and opinions and harass all of you to read and comment on them and then tell me how witty and fabulous I am. And how cute my baby will be and is after he or she is born. And to validate my decision to break up with the law (and to not judge me too harshly if I slip up and go back to it sometime in the near future because it's definitely one of those break ups). And that you love my anecdotes and suggestions and recipes and think that Harpo SHOULD TOTALLY GIVE ME MY VERY OWN SHOW BECAUSE NOW THAT OPRAH IS RETIRING THE WORLD REALLY NEEDS ME. (The caps are for effect, plus I always imagine everything Oprah says is transcribed in all caps). Anyway, thanks in advance for all the validation---baby Shah and his mama appreciate it!!!

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