Thursday, May 14, 2009

Seriously Ryan O'Neal?

Talk about a major a-hole, Ryan O'Neal REALLY takes the cake. For days now, both he and his meth-head son have been going on and on about Farah Fawcett's illness and the effects its having on them. If I have to see one more interview like this or read about how hard it is for O'Neal to "lost the love of his life," I may scream. Who cares how you feel about it? She is the one with cancer, not you. And her cancer doesn't exonerate either of you for your egregious behavior.

Let's not forget that O'Neal is the same dad-of-the-year who took his then 10 year old daughter, Tatum, to Studio 54 and gave her alcohol and drugs because he thought it was cute. He also allegedly had sex with the then underage Melanie Griffith, Tatum's best friend, when he was supposed to be chaperoning their summer trip in Europe. The police have been to his home on several occasions due to claims of drug-fueled violence between him and his grown son and his son's girfriend. He was also recently arrested, at 68!, for possession of chrystal meth, a drug his 18 year old son with Fawcett is also alleged to have in his possession. Ryan O'Neal is clearly a troubled individual with zero parenting skills and has been known more for his antics in the past 30 years than his acting. The fact that he is now using his former lover's illness to get back in the spotlight and to try to gain public sympathy is just wrong.

I recognize that Ryan O'Neal and Farah Fawcett had a long and complicated relationship and I for one am in no position to judge why or how she could ever have possibly loved him. But, the merits of their relationship aside, the way he has been carrying on since news first broke of the escalation of her cancer (which oh-so-conveniently coincided with his latest brush with the law) is just appalling! Their son Redmond apparently lied to a judge about her condition to receive a special release from jail--really people? Do you really have no scruples, at all??? How can you say you love a person and then use them for your own personal gain? While Ryan has been giving interviews to anyone who will listen, Farah has asked the media to respect her dignity and right to privacy as she goes through these difficult times. How can O'Neal fail to respect her wishes, which according to his own interviews may very well be her last requests?

I wish Farah Fawcett comfort and peace as she faces her battle with cancer and respect her immensely for speaking out about a rarely discussed illness in hopes to prevent others from facing the same battle. I am sure many more men and women will be more proactive about testing for anal cancer thanks to her courage and honesty. I wish the media would ignore Ryan O'Neal's constant sound bites and obvious efforts to milk this situation for press and respect Ms. Fawcett's request for privacy during this time. And, I hope both Ryan and his son Redmond seek professional help for their addictions and redeem themselves before she passes away---it would be a shame if they couldn't at least do that for her.

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